Songs by Takenobu Mitsuyoshi (光吉猛修)

Takenobu Mitsuyoshi is a game music composer and singer at SEGA.
As of 2017, he is the chief creator of the sound section of SEGA Interactive R&D 3.
He has been involved in many SEGA games, including Daytona, Virtual-On, Virtua Fighter, and Shenmue. Enjoying video game music beforehand as well being very active in various music activities since junior high all the way to university, he became part of Sega's sound creation from 1990 onwards.
His credits are various and his talents are extremely versatile.
His activities range from composing, arranging, sound directing, making sound effects, providing bass, motion talent, voice acting and vocals.
As one of the most senior employees of Sega, he together with Hiroshi Kawaguchi, manages the sound team for Sega's arcade titles, as well as being part of the [H.] band.
His singing voice is particularly famous, best demonstrated in Daytona USA.

Name Artist Source BPM かんたん(easy) ふつう(Normal) むずかしい(Difficult) おに(Extreme) うら(Extreme Alt.) Charter Genre Last Updated Uploaded
Let's Go Away Takenobu Mitsuyoshi
Daytona Championship USA 120 2 4 7 9 - Ryuto Setsujin Game Music
Dec. 16, 2023 Jan. 16, 2024