Songs by MEIKO

MEIKO (メイコ) is a Japanese VOCALOID originally developed by Yamaha Corporation and distributed by Crypton Future Media, Inc..
She was one of the 4 known "Project Daisy" vocals.
Her VOCALOID3 update was developed and distributed by Crypton Future Media.
She was initially released in November 2004 for the first VOCALOID engine.
There has since been a second installment developed for the VOCALOID3 engine, dubbed MEIKO V3.
Her voice is provided by the Japanese female singer-songwriter, Meiko Haigō (拝郷 メイコ Haigō Meiko). As of August 31, 2019, there will be no further installments with the VOCALOID program.
Instead Crypton is focusing on their own program, Piapro Studio.[1][2]

Name Artist Source BPM かんたん(easy) ふつう(Normal) むずかしい(Difficult) おに(Extreme) うら(Extreme Alt.) Charter Genre Last Updated Uploaded
185 4 4 5 8 - Colin Vocaloid
Sept. 5, 2023 Sept. 5, 2023